Team communication

On the surface, this question could seem a little preposterous. From body language and facial expressions to the words we say and write, we’ve all been communicating in some way since the moment we were born. And yet, effective communication can still be exceedingly challenging. The Holmes Report recently estimated the cost of poor communication…

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leadership presentation

Just be yourself. We’ve all heard this advice since childhood, and even as adults, it still rings true, particularly when we consider the lens of authentic leadership. Authentic leadership has achieved a buzzworthy status in professional development in recent years. At its core, this leadership style encourages individuals to be genuine and true to who…

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Two girls looking into laptop

Managers have the potential to make a significant impact—both positive and adverse —on their employees and the success of their company. The great ones are capable of inspiring and bringing out the best in their people, increasing productivity and retention. According to a study of more than 5,000 employees, those with a high level of…

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Businessmen Hands with Pen

If you have ever interviewed for a job, you’ve probably been asked the question: What are your strengths? It’s one of the first questions job seekers might prepare for, considering that any future employer, manager or colleague will want to know how you will positively impact their organization. For those who have an Emergenetics® Profile,…

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Creating a strong coaching culture is a growing trend within many organizations. What this means is that businesses are looking for ways to support their employees in learning new skills and growing as professionals. At the core of this sort of culture is traditional coaching, where managers provide feedback to their direct reports. It’s critical…

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Two Employees

As individuals, we each choose whether we will trust someone or not. Within an organization, that decision to trust plays a bigger role in your company’s success than you might think. The Great Places to Work Institute regularly names top companies across countries, regions and industries, basing more than half of its criteria on trust.…

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Team communication

In the workplace and in our personal relationships, it’s likely that we’ve all experienced the intent-impact gap. Simply put, the intent-impact gap is what occurs when our words or actions are misinterpreted by another individual. Consider this story: Sara, the Director of Learning and Development, and her direct report Chris, the Program Manager, are assessing…

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Historically, Emergenetics has always celebrated Certifications. And, for anyone who has had the experience of attending an Emergenetics Certification, you know first hand it’s an accomplishment worth celebrating! In true Emergenetics style, we celebrate throughout the Certification week. We do this because we recognize that each class is more than just a group of people…

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