Person standing next to a whiteboard talking to a man who is seated

While the Great Resignation is unleashing a plethora of talent in the market today, organizations are still suffering from skills shortages. McKinsey Research reported that 87% of companies say they have capability gaps right now or expect them within a few years. And as the pace of automation has soared, more than half of all…

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Open floorplan office and employees working

As the Great Resignation continues to grab headlines, company culture is coming into focus as a driver of employee retention and acquisition. Even if your business has not been impacted by significant turnover, your workplace climate matters. With more people seeking new job opportunities, your organization could benefit from an influx of fantastic talent. If…

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Colleagues at small table talking

In any workplace, disagreement is inevitable, and that’s a good thing! While conflict may not always have a positive reputation, it is truly beneficial and essential for business. After all, when people share opposing points of view, it can reveal new ways of thinking, unlock possibilities and lead to better outcomes. Conflict only becomes an…

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Man talking to coworker

While there are so many aspects to a company’s ethos, one of the elements where culture comes to life every day is through its staff’s interactions. The way people communicate quite literally sets the tone for the employee experience. If your organization is seeking to inspire cultural shifts and strengthen its workplace climate, I invite…

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Colleagues sitting around a conference table with laptops smiling

Many managers may be suffering from decision fatigue these days. Given the pace of work, there seems to be no end to the number of situations to assess, courses of action to choose and people to rally as you move forward. Holding all the decision-making cards, however, can take a toll on you and your…

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Person talking with hands while looking at a laptop screen with four coworkers' on video

Keeping staff aligned is essential to performance and engagement. As employees have navigated returning to the office, going remote again or adapting to a hybrid work model, there have been many opportunities for disconnection. Luckily, Emergenetics® Associates have the resources to help coworkers build a common understanding to boost success. 6 Signs a Team May…

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Woman standing next to chart paper with sticky notes

Demand for Learning & Development (L&D) is growing. With more champions in the C-suite, interest from employees and rapidly transforming business needs, it’s no wonder that talent development is being recognized as a vital part of organizational strategy. The shift presents opportunities for employees and training professionals. As you consider the year ahead, I imagine…

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Colleagues sitting around a table talking and looking at tablets

Most Talent Development (TD) professionals recognize that the bulk of their employees’ learning (90% in fact) will happen outside of formal training programs. While that does not mean conventional Learning & Development (L&D) initiatives should be abandoned, it does suggest that TD experts may need to evaluate their traditional strategies and find new ways to…

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Coworkers problem solving with sticky notes on a whiteboard

As we continue to accelerate toward a future of work with greater artificial intelligence and automation, employees are being asked to embrace new job roles. The shift means that much of the task-based, number crunching work that people used to engage in will be completed by machines. Instead, the job functions that will be available…

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Woman looking at a coworker on her laptop screen

As businesses optimize their operations, many are searching for the right balance between remote and in-person work. A hybrid approach can support employees who crave ongoing flexibility and help organizations as well as their people benefit from the advantages of each environment. While it will likely take time to identify the right setup for your…

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